martes, 2 de agosto de 2011


1. My best friend is Jessica, I met her in kindergarden almost 14 years ago, we had the same classes and played together during recess.
2. I have a lot of friends, especially in my university since I've met a lot of people through friends from my neighborhood and school.
3. Yes, I keep in contact with 3 friends from school, they go to my same university and we still talk very frequently.
4. Yes, I have a friend who has traveled all of his life to beautiful places because of his job. He is a tourist guide and each month travels to a different country, he learns new and different cultures and has friends all over the world.
5.Yes I have a lot of friends, especially my friend Andres who lives in USA we stay in contact through blackberry messenger, and talk all the time
6.Yes, my friend ana maria has a vision of life very different from mine, for instance she' a vegetarian, neither her nor her parents eat the kind of food I do, but we are very close friends and I love her

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